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Go for yourself!

Supporting women in the world of technology and programming has always been important to us and Sabre has been already involved in many such projects. But there is never too much! In the last week we have started a brand-new series of meetings dedicated to women organized by Women in Technology, our community. We invited Paulina Basta, former HR Director in global companies (HP, IMB), working right now in games developing company, also in HR. She is a blogger (paulinabasta.com) and a person involved in many kinds of pro-women initiatives. At our event, she was talking about women’s attitude in the context of work, career development and self-esteem. Paulina pointed out what kind of barrier we have in our heads and why sometimes we are our own worst enemies. There were also some exercises to handle, such as “what were your 20 achievements last year and difficulties you expect to have next year and who can help you deal with them”. After the meeting we have definitely a lot to think about but also feel more motivated and inspired.

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