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The Million Dollar AI Answer: Humans with AI are Going to Replace Humans Without AI

The recruitment game in 2024 is changing faster than ever, and a big player in this transformation is none other than Artificial Intelligence. Recruiters are now looking beyond traditional resumes and are leaning towards candidates who are savvy with AI and digital skills. It’s all about those digital competencies now!

According to the latest Artificial Intelligence Index Report from Stanford University, India is leading the charge globally when it comes to AI skill penetration. In fact, it’s ranked among the top 4 countries in terms of relative AI hiring rates. That’s quite a feat, right?

But hold on, there’s another side to the AI coin. Some folks are calling it the ‘job killer’. A report from the International Monetary Fund shook things up by suggesting that about 40% of jobs could be at risk due to AI implementation in the workplace. This especially hits harder in advanced economies where jobs tend to be more cognitive-intensive.

Despite the fears, there’s a growing consensus that we need to adapt and evolve with AI rather than resist it. We reached out to industry experts from Philips, Sabre, and Acuity Knowledge Partners to get their take on this hot topic.


“While concerns about job loss and automation persist, AI offers a unique opportunity to reimagine work, focusing on collaboration and data-driven insights.”

“AI can eliminate bias by making decisions based on data rather than personal opinions, promoting a fairer work environment. It also facilitates human-AI collaboration, enabling more complex tasks like predictive aircraft maintenance, which reduced flight delays by over 7% in 2023.

“Further, a study by Deloitte suggests that predictive maintenance using AI can reduce unplanned downtime by up to 40%. This translates to significant cost savings and improves operational efficiency across various industries. AI’s integration in industries like aviation shows how it can enhance safety and efficiency by analyzing diverse data sources.”

Rajive also emphasised that while we embrace AI, ethical and societal challenges must be addressed. Ensuring privacy, preventing algorithmic bias, and maintaining transparency in AI processes are essential to building trust.

Ultimately, AI doesn’t replace human potential—it amplifies it. By automating routine tasks and offering data-driven insights, AI can make work more meaningful and productive. The challenge lies in harnessing AI to foster a future where humans and AI collaborate to achieve greater heights of creativity and productivity.”


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This quote by Rajive Choudhary was published on All Things Talent