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Press Release

Naturally Slim chooses Sabre Holdings’ cubeless Social Networking Platform To Help Thousands Lighten Up

Companies across the U.S to use social networking to keep fit

SOUTHLAKE, Texas, May 21, 2009 — cubeless™, the private enterprise social networking platform from Sabre Holdings, announced today that its cubeless platform will be used to help companies across the United States to trim the fat.

The Naturally Slim Healthy Lifestyle Class, a corporate-sponsored weight loss and wellness program launched in 1978, has begun using the cubeless online social network as a part of its program, allowing participants from companies across the United States to ask and answer questions, share tips and tricks during weak moments or plateaus, post weight loss successes and support each other in order to stay motivated and be successful in the Naturally Slim program.

“The addition of the NSTown social network to our program has been amazing,” says Marcia Upson, president of Naturally Slim. “Through NSTown, I see class participants from companies across the country reaching out to each other for support, to answer questions, and to share stories of challenges and success. I am fascinated to see, in real time, the thoughts of participants as they go through the program and, in the end, the triumph they share with the community in their results.”

The cubeless-powered community works by capturing the interactions, expertise and experience of others from all over the Naturally Slim network, and making this content searchable within its private and secure platform, enabling participants to be open and honest in their communication, and building a community of trust and transparency.

Hy-Vee, Inc., one of the largest supermarket chains in the U.S, offers Naturally Slim to more than 55,000 of its employees, located in seven states. Sheila Laing, Vice President, Human Resources of Hy-Vee said she had only positive feedback from employees using NS Town.

“NS Town is a critical element to the Naturally Slim program, creating a tool for group sharing and exchanging ideas and feedback in a safe, supportive environment. An employer can leave a note for a participant and join group discussions,” she said.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), life expectancy for the average American over the next few decades could decline by up to five years unless aggressive efforts are made to slow obesity rates.

Upson said that corporations are starting to address these health issues using programs like Naturally Slim and cubeless to reach employees all over the country.

“By combining our program’s 30-year track record of success with online tools such as our NSTown social network powered by cubeless, Naturally Slim has created an effective healthy lifestyle program that can be quickly and easily executed by any company, regardless of where employees are located, and that has been proven to change lives,” said Upson.

Erik Johnson, general manager of cubeless said: “The formation of NSTown is a positive and powerful application of social media in the workplace. We are seeing so many different ways that coworkers can share experiences and knowledge to help and support each other, both in business and life-work balance situations. The NSTown community is a prime example of how individual employees find value in tapping into the collective intelligence and knowledge of the wider organization, and in this case across organizations around the country.”

About Naturally Slim Healthy Lifestyles Class

Naturally Slim’s Healthy Lifestyles Class was developed in 1978 and has helped thousands of individuals get healthier and more fit. This program has been featured in The Dallas Morning News, the National Enquirer, Cosmopolitan, Self Magazine; reported by NBC; and has received Congressional recognition. The program teaches healthier eating and resulting improvements in weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, exercise ability, and blood sugar. Through the NS program, participants lose weight at a healthy pace of about 2.2 pounds per week. In a recent poll of NS participants, more than 50 percent had improved their exercise and 65 percent improved in the areas of stress and self confidence.

About cubeless ™

cubeless™ is the award-winning social network that allows a company or organization to tap into the collective intelligence of its employees or members and harness the power of community. Built as a secure environment for work purposes, cubeless brings together employees and members from across the organization to share their skills, knowledge and connections in order to quickly and collaboratively answer questions, share best practices, find resources and solve organizational challenges. cubeless was invented by the Sabre Travel Studios innovation lab at Sabre Holdings, which has more than 40 years of expertise in building and securely managing complex applications for major corporations. For more information, visit cubeless.com or sandbox.cubeless.com.

Media representatives interested in experiencing the cubeless online community through the public demo are invited to join the cubeless sandbox.

Erik Johnson
cubeless – Sabre
PHONE: 682-605-3014

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