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Sabre Red 360

Market the Full Spectrum of Travel Content Through an Intuitive User Experience

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Buyers want total access to every possible travel option available to sell their clients. They require a complete and connected booking tool to meet a diverse array of needs while providing compelling recommendations.

Just as important, they need to satisfy travelers’ expectations for personalized offers, responsive answers and reliable service.

Get Started with Sabre Red 360

For all the powerful capabilities of Sabre Red 360, with browser-based connectivity, simply order Sabre Red Web via our marketplace.

Redefining Travel Booking and Merchandising

Sabre Red 360 unlocks a full spectrum of bookable content and insightful information to efficiently create tailored trip experiences that travel buyers can sell and service. The user-friendly, customizable interface makes it all simple to access too.

With rich imagery and descriptive information, Sabre Red 360 delivers a consistent approach to branding and distribution within the agency channel.

Work up to 25% faster and reduce training time by 50%

Different by design, Sabre Red 360 is built on APIs from the unrivaled Sabre platform which integrates bookable content and data-rich information into smart workflows. Greater intelligence and an intuitive user interface make Sabre Red 360 easy to learn.​

As a result, travel consultants can work faster in providing winning, end-to-end travel recommendations.​

Source: Early Sabre Red 360 adopters

The Sabre Red family is growing. Learn more.

Product features

Full spectrum of bookable content

Access and sell leading content seamlessly.

Intuitive workflows

Experience a user interface that simplifies booking travel and improves workflow efficiency.

Unmatched customization

Customize the workspace to support business strategy and brand promise delivery.

If you have additional questions about Sabre Red 360 or would like to learn more about Sabre, please contact us.