IATA’s business case on the value creation as a result of retailing transformation validates projections from the 2019 McKinsey report to arrive at a benefit of $7 per passenger per year — or $40B — by 2030.
How did IATA and McKinsey arrive at these numbers, how realistic are they and what do airlines need to do to claim their share of the retailing prize?
Many airlines today are preparing themselves for the transition journey to modern retailing. During this phase, airlines should focus their efforts on:
- Identifying their end vision and building their business case for change
- Defining the strategy that will achieve their objectives
- Securing buy-in at the highest levels of their organization, and alignment down through the levels of the organization
- Engaging with their technology partner early and often to identify an optimal transition path based on the airline’s unique needs
McKinsey and IATA believe there’s a +$7.00 per passenger opportunity by 2023. Sabre’s analysis suggests that the value realized from this transition could be as much as 5% of airline revenue. See how that breaks down across the phases.
Our phased transition approach focuses on flexibility while safeguarding against risks
Choosing the right tech partner is critical to retailing transition success. Sabre understands the commercial realities airlines face as well as how to balance needs of different parts of their organizations to deliver the transition path each airline requires.
Talking transformation
Getting more offer-friendly to customers sets you down that path to generating revenue and starts building the appetite – and financial resources – for a new order management system. It’s a journey. It’s going to benefit customers, it’s going to bring in incremental revenue and overall it’s great for the industry.
Umesh Chhiber
SVP Revenue, Retail, and Cargo | Oman Air
Airlines need to ask themselves ‘what is my willingness to change the organization, to change the business processes’. We don’t want to just recreate the existing complexity but with new technology. Opportunities to simplify must be identified and built into an airline’s transformation process.
Daniel Friedli,
Managing Director and Partner | Travel in Motion
I don’t think you’re ever done with digital transformation. It’s a muscle that you’re constantly building and you’re constantly honing to get better at.
Katie Smaje
Senior Partner | McKinsey
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