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All the pieces you need to power superior travel experiences.

Fragmentation is increasing. Don’t tackle it alone.

Aggregating and integrating diverse travel content across end-to-end workflows takes more time and investment than ever before. It’s made difficult by diverging airline strategies, new carriers distributing via New Distribution Capability (NDC), a greater prominence of low-cost carriers (LCCs), and disparate non-air content.

Your competitors are moving fast, so you can’t afford distractions. That’s why working with the right multi-source technology provider is crucial, so you can focus on what matters most to your business.

Stop investing resources to…

  Aggregate travel content

  Build retailing capabilities

  Manage trip disruptions, manually

  Combine siloed business data

  Maintain system performance

Instead, partner with Sabre to…

  Reduce technology costs

  Reimagine customer experiences

  Redeploy support agents

  Revitalize competitive differentiators

  Reallocate technical expertise

Access multi-source content in one marketplace

Agencies achieve a competitive advantage by working with a multi-source technology provider. Sabre combines content at scale across all trip components so you can offer maximum choice to your customers.


airlines distributing content through the Sabre GDS, with 100+ new LCCs in our pipeline


airlines live or in our Beyond NDC pipeline


lodging options from 90% of the world’s properties

Seamless integration of NDC at scale

Travel retailing is now a world of hybrid content. Sabre makes it easy for you to shop, book and service NDC offers seamlessly alongside traditional ATPCO/EDIFACT and LCC XML options from our growing list of airline partners.

Aggregation is more than a numbers game

While some providers only prioritize breadth of content, we also focus on full integration with end-to-end workflows. Our modular capabilities enable intelligent retailing, optimized operations, and seamless servicing.

Solving the content fragmentation puzzle

Aggregating and integrating content is getting more difficult.
An effective multi-source provider is the solution