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Workshops in programming in Scratch for mums and kids.

On 28 th December 2016 I had a pleasure to lead a workshop for mum and their kids in programming in Scratch. The aim of this workshop was encouraging kids to try themselves in programming and show them that it isn’t so hard. Frankly speaking, it can be fun. Kids and their mums cooperated and worked very hard to create amazing games. At the end of the workshop every team presented the game. Kids had also an opportunity to have a break in the game room and played table football. They had a small trip around the office and said they want to spend holidays in the company. The most important for me is feedback from mum. When kids came back home they wanted to program and to know much more about Scratch language. Maybe in the future the kids will spend not only holidays in our company, but also they will be our employees. by Anna Szwiec

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