Technology continues to change our lives in subtle ways. Disruptive technologies dramatically change the way consumers, businesses and industries operate. Technology advancements such as AI, robotics, nanomaterials, biotech, bioinformatics, quantum computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming the world. People are adopting new and easy ways such as social media including Facebook, Instagram and many indigenous technologies to connect with the digital world. Digital technologies such as mobile, social media, smartphones, big data, predictive analytics and cloud are fundamentally different from the preceding IT-based technologies. Disruptive technologies provide opportunities for startup companies to gain a significant foothold in existing industries.

New advances in technology are still disrupting our lives in many cases for the best. Note that some of them are already in place, but they are still evolving and changing at a rapid pace, meaning the impact of these advances will only amplify. A disruptive technology has the potential to replace the existing systems or habits through its attributes that are measurable and superior. Disruptive technologies are not necessarily new or ground-breaking. Rather, it is technology that has the potential to disrupt an existing market or industry. Let’s understand the view from the industry leaders. Read More

Excerpts from the article published in VAR India


This coverage was published in VAR India as a result of an email interaction with Jaya Kumar K