Sabre India’s approach to innovation is not confined to flashy hackathons or trendy buzzwords. It’s a constant hum in the background, woven into the fabric of the company’s daily operations. This commitment to pervasive innovation, where every employee is a potential inventor, sets Sabre apart in the competitive travel technology landscape.

Innovation isn’t just an aspiration at Sabre India, a travel technology company headquartered in Southlake, Texas, with 1,500+ employees in India. It’s a living, breathing practice, embedded in every interaction and decision.

Unlike companies that compartmentalise innovation into isolated programmes or events, Sabre India doesn’t believe in ‘innovation labs’ or siloed brainstorming sessions. Its philosophy is simple: everyone, from interns to senior architects, has a responsibility and a platform to contribute fresh ideas. They are empowered to think creatively and challenge the status quo.

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This article by Rency Mathew was published on HR Katha.