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E-Site Marketing Wins Five Golden Click Adrian Awards Adding up to a Total of 17 for 2007

E-site Marketing’s websites continue to generate a high ROI for its customers

BETHESDA, Maryland 09 January – E-site Marketing, the Sabre Holdings premier Internet marketing company specializing in online business solutions exclusively for the hospitality industry has been awarded five Golden Click Awards in the 51st HSMAI Adrian Awards Competition. The awards showcase industry achievers and results that have demonstrated strong return on investment (ROI) across all sectors of the hospitality industry.

Being selected as the winner in five categories demonstrates E-site Marketing’s diverse range of capabilities in designing for hotels as well as destinations and restaurants. E-site Marketing focuses on creative design and marketing programs aimed at creating a profitable online channel, and has consistently achieved this goal for its customers.

E-site Marketing was awarded The Golden Click Awards for the following sites:

  • Wild Dunes Resort www.wilddunes.com (Individual Property Category)
  • Gilt New York www.giltnewyork.com (Restaurant Category)
  • CitizenM www.citizenm.com (Hotel Chain Category)
  • Puerto Rico Tourism Company www.gotopuertorico.com (CVB, Destination Category)
  • Hay Adams Hotel www.hayadams.com (Individual Property Category

One of the winning efforts, The Hay-Adams, a historic Washington, DC landmark, located across from the White House, is a long time customer of E-site Marketing. A recent redesign of their website resulted in increased revenues generated by the site by 25 percent year-over-year.

“We have put our website in the very capable hands of the team at E-site Marketing and the results have been like gaining an additional sales person,” said Hans Bruland, General Manager and Vice President of the Hay-Adams Hotel. “Their consultative approach ensures we are kept informed and taking advantage of the latest trends in Internet marketing and technology. We look forward to continuing our successful partnership.”

Another award-winner, Wild Dunes, a beach and golf resort outside of Charleston, SC, also has seen dramatic results from the work that E-site Marketing has done for them over the past year. “Looks” (those visiting the website) at the booking engine increased by 26 percent while bookings made on the website increased 47 percent. These increases resulted in a 41 percent increase in the overall revenue generated from their website.

“The team at E-site understands that a ’one-size-fits-all’ approach will not work when it comes to websites and Internet marketing. They really worked with us to determine our goals and develop a program that would yield the highest results for our resort,” said Andressa Chapman, Marketing Communications Manager at Wild Dunes. “Congratulations to E-site Marketing for winning these awards. They continue to prove their expertise in the field of Website development and Internet marketing and we continue to see impressive results.”

To measure performance, websites are benchmarked against their pre-redesign statistics on several metrics such as Website Traffic Growth, Visitor-to-Look and Look-to-Book Ratio, Revenue-Per-Visitor and Return on Investment. E-site Marketing’s proprietary tracking tool RezTrack® was a key component in making these pre/post measurements possible.

“We remain focused on achieving the highest ROI for our customers so we are thrilled that these awards take our results into consideration,” said Felix Laboy, President of E-site Marketing. “It is also fantastic that we have been able to apply the same successful strategies to other sectors of the hospitality industry including destinations and restaurants and produce similar results – and the awards in these categories just add the icing.”

HSMAI will pay tribute to E-site Marketing during the 18th annual HSMAI Adrian Awards Show – a gala black-tie dinner to be held on Jan. 28, 2008 at the New York Marriott Marquis, with an expected attendance by 1,000 hospitality, travel and tourism industry and marketing executives. These awards are handed out as part of the 2007 HSMAI Adrian Awards Competition, the largest and most prestigious travel event of its kind in the world, now in its 51st year. This year’s contest attracted nearly 1,300 entries from around the world, with entries judged by teams of experts from all sectors of the industry.

About E-site Marketing
E-site Marketing, a Sabre Holdings company, located in Bethesda, MD, specializes in creating E-business solutions exclusively for the hospitality industry. The company’s unique approach to building successful online marketing programs combines hospitality expertise, innovative Internet marketing techniques and an emphasis on return on investment. For more information on E-site Marketing and its products and services, call 301-986-9566 ext. 37; email information@esitemarketing.com; or visit the website at www.esitemarketing.com.

abre Holdings connects people with the world’s greatest travel possibilities by retailing travel products and providing distribution and technology solutions for the travel industry. More information is available at http://www.sabre-holdings.com.

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