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Sabre Space North America Empowers Travel Agency Innovation and Growth to Meet the Growing Demands of Digital-First Travel Landscape

Sabre Space North America Empowers Travel Agency Innovation and Growth to Meet the Growing Demands of Digital-First Travel Landscape

SOUTHLAKE, Texas – April 24, 2024 – Sabre Corporation (NASDAQ: SABR), a leading software and technology provider powering the global travel industry, today announced highlights from its Sabre Space roadshow campaign in North America.  Sabre Space brings experts and executives together with travel agencies across North America and offers a dynamic in-person platform for agents to explore the latest technology trends and gain important insights into how to thrive in today’s digital-first travel landscape. 

As Sabre continues to speed ahead with its innovation partnership with Google Cloud, Sabre’s Artificial Intelligence-driven technology is already helping travel businesses redefine their retailing and customer strategies. Sabre’s teams will share the latest applications and micro-services to help travel agents turn insights from analyses into repeatable, scalable operations. Additionally, Sabre experts will share how to unlock growth opportunities with a wide range of pan-industry intelligence through Sabre’s insights solutions.  

Key executives will share the latest market and global travel trends, the latest in NDC offers and how to streamline travel operations and enhance travel offers through multi-source content, as well as what to expect from Sabre’s Artificial Intelligence-driven technology. Additionally, topics around automation, revenue generation, and other efficiency products/solutions will be part of the travel ecosystem discussions.

Sabre executives explain further:

“We are helping travel agencies ensure they don’t get left behind amid growing NDC offers as well as how to streamline travel operations and enhance travel offers through multi-source content. We integrate and normalize content to make it easier for travel agencies to compare and book the right trip for a traveler. We’ve also activated a robust set of servicing capabilities to help maintain end-to-end agency workflows,” said Kathy Morgan, VP, Product Management, Distribution Experience, Sabre Travel Solutions.

We’re focused on making it easy for agencies to sell all components of a trip through one platform. Content Services for Lodging unlocks additional revenue opportunities for customers by increasing hotel attach rate. Lodging distribution is a strategic focus area for Sabre as we invest in richer, multi-source content and enhanced retailing capabilities that make it easy to find the best lodging option for travelers,” said Chinmai Sharma, Global Head – Lodging, Ground and Sea. 

“North America distribution expansion is on an uptick. Our leaders are poised to bring agencies the highest level of customer listening, customer partnership, and customer satisfaction.  Our commitment to growing revenue and increasing AI/ML capabilities throughout the travel ecosystem is the foundation for win-win relationships,” Todd Arthur, Managing Director, North America Agency, Americas Delivery and Global Corporate Solutions.   


About Sabre Corporation     

Sabre Corporation is a software and technology company that takes on the biggest opportunities and solves the most complex challenges in travel. The Company connects travel suppliers and buyers around the globe and across the ecosystem through innovative products and next-generation technology solutions. Sabre harnesses speed, scale and insights to build tomorrow’s technology today – empowering airlines, hoteliers, agencies and other partners to retail, distribute and fulfill travel worldwide. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas, USA, Sabre serves customers in more than 160 countries around the world. For more information visit www.sabre.com

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